Hospice Associations


Alberta Hospice Palliative Care Association

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AHPCA is a grass-roots provincial association with a vision of comprehensive and quality hospice palliative and end-of-life care for all Albertans.

• We engage in education, advocacy and provision of resources to create awareness about palliative and end-of-life care.
• The Resource Directory, which is accessed through the AHPCA website, is a useful tool for patients and families to help them navigate the challenging world of palliative and end-of-life care.

Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association

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The CHPCA is the national voice for Hospice Palliative Care in Canada. Advancing and advocating for quality end-of-life/hospice palliative care in Canada, its work includes public policy, public education and awareness. Established in 1991, its volunteer Board of Directors is composed of hospice palliative care workers and volunteers from Canadian provinces and territories as well as members-at-large.

Canadian Virtual Hospice

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The Canadian Virtual Hospice provides support and personalized information about palliative and end-of-life care to patients, family members, health care providers, researchers and educators.

Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance

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The Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance (WHPCA) is an international non-governmental organisation focusing exclusively on hospice and palliative care development worldwide. We are a network of national and regional hospice and palliative care organisations and affiliate organisations.

International Assoc. for Hospice and Palliative Care

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Our vision is universal access to high-quality palliative care, integrated into all levels of healthcare systems in a continuum of care with disease prevention, early diagnosis and treatment, to assure that any patient’s or family caregiver’s suffering is relieved to the greatest extent possible.

Hospice Foundation of America

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The mission of Hospice Foundation of America is to provide leadership in the development and application of hospice and its philosophy of care with the goal of enhancing the U.S. health care system and the role of hospice within it.

American Hospice Foundation

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The American Hospice Foundation (AHF) closed its doors in June 2014.

On this website you will find the most popular tools and materials we produced over the years. From training for employers on Grief at Work to support for school professionals on Grief in Schools, we hope you can find what you need on these pages. They are all free.


Related Organizations

Quality End-of-life Care Coalition of Canada

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The Quality End-of-life Care Coalition of Canada is a group of over 36 national organizations concerned about quality end-of-life care for all Canadians. We believe that all Canadians have the right to die with dignity, free of pain, and surrounded by their loved ones.

Dignity in Care

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Kindness, Humanity, and Respect

These core values of health care must be safeguarded in our time-pressured world. Dignity in Care provides practical ideas and tools to support a culture of compassion and respect throughout the health care system.

Dignity in Care is based on 15 years of study by  Dr. Harvey Max Chochinov and the Manitoba Palliative Care Research Unit, in collaboration with progressive researchers from Australia, England and the United States.

Canadian Hospice Societies

Foothills Country Hospice Society

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The Foothills Country Hospice Society (FCHS) is a grassroots community sponsored organization dedicated to providing expert compassionate care to people who are terminally ill and to their families.

Pilgrim's Hospice

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Pilgrims Hospice Society provides supportive and compassionate family centred care to enhance the quality and dignity of life for those diagnosed with a progressive, life-threatening illness as well as solace to those who are bereaved.

Red Deer Hospice Society

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Our highly specialized, professional staff and trained volunteers are dedicated to caring for the terminally ill and improving quality of life.

Sage Centre & Rosedale Hospice (Calgary)

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Hospice Calgary is one organization with two centres of care: 
  • Sage Centre for counselling and education and
  • Rosedale Hospice for residential end-of-life care.

At Sage Centre and Rosedale Hospice, we provide services that guide children, teens, adults and families through the grieving process as they face life-threatening illness and the death of a loved one (including sudden or accidental deaths).

Victoria Hospice

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Victoria Hospice is a registered charity that has provided end-of-life care focused on palliative treatment since 1980. Our nurses, counsellors, spiritual caregivers, physicians, and volunteers provide comfort for the patient and support for the family, rather than a cure for progressive and life-limiting illness.