Our Current & Past Sponsors

Thank You for the Gift of Your Support

Levels of Donation

SUPPORTERS: $100-$499  FRIENDS: $20-$99 


$500 - $4,999


$5,000 - $19,999


$20,000 - $100,000


Tax Receipt
Personalised Thank you Note
Recognition in Annual Report, if requested
Social Media Recognition, if requested
Category Ideas: In Memory, General, Building Fund

VISIONARIES    $20,000 - $100,000

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Vision Credit Union
Thank you to the people of Vision Credit Union Corporate for committing $10,000.00 both in 2022 and 2023 to HSCD during our End of Year Campaigns. PLUS $10,000 for the Helping Hands Grant.
Their vision is exemplary.
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Thank you to the Alberta Community Initiatives Program for providing  $60k in operating funds through Alberta lotteries funds for the 2019-2020 budget.
Individual Donors:
ADVOCATES   $5,000 - $19,999
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Thank you to the people of Wildrose Co-op for choosing Hospice as the recipient of silent auction funds from the Camrose Agro Centre grand opening. Co-op customers donated over $9000 to the silent auction in 2019.
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Federal Government: New Horizons for Seniors

Thank you to the people of Canada, through the New Horizons for Seniors federal funding program, for providing  $11k in funds for our volunteer training and implementation in 2020.
Thank you to the people of Flagstaff County council for their support of rural palliative/grief care in the county of Flagstaff.

Individual Donors:

BELIEVERS    $500 - $4,999

Camrose County

Thank you to the people of Camrose County council for their support of our recent Child-Grief Support Training. 50 people from across the area participated in a 2-day training aimed at providing tools to support children and teens experiencing grief.

Battle River Community Foundation

Thank you to the people of Battle River Community Foundation for supporting HSCD volunteer training and new program endeavors in 2020. Aa well, BRCF provided $2000 in Covid funding for the purchase of iPads to use with isolated elders.

Individual Donors:

SUPPORTERS    $100 - $499 
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Thank you to the people of Safeway Sobeys for sponsorship of the Men's Cooking Circle food costs for the next year! Hospice is pleased to partner with Safeway Sobeys in this unique and much appreciated program.
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Windsor Plywood Camrose 

Thank you to the people of Windsor Plywood for committing to supplying the materials, and building, our Spring Symposium "Before I Die" wall.
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Battle River Watershed Alliance

Thank you to the people of Battle River Watershed Alliance for supplying food, speaker, and bagpipes for our 2019 Hike for Hospice. As well, BRWSA is a daily collaborative partner with Hospice as we share office space in Mirror Lake Centre.

Individual Donors:

FRIENDS      $20 - $99 
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Thank you to Christine Dietz for the generous donation of Christmas tree for our Lights to Remember tree, standing outside our Hospice office. 
Thank you to the people of Elks of Canada, No.70 in Camrose for their ongoing support of Hospice.
Thank you to the people of the Camrose and District Family Thrift Shop for the formation of an endowment with the Battle River Community Foundation in the name of Hospice. This new endowment has been gifted with $100,000.

Individual Donors: