Personal Caregiver

Caregiver Fatigue

As personal and professional caregivers there is a cost to our gift of care of others. Self care and self-compassion are crucial for maintaining our own wellness, and consequently the wellness of those under out care. This video looks at signs and symptoms of caregiver (compassion) fatigue.

Caregiver Wellness Part 2

Strategies for filling our wellness tank as professional or personal caregivers.

Health Care Professionals

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The Hospice Society of Camrose & District provides ongoing training and workshops for professional development.
Click here for upcoming events!

Support for your personal and professional wellness may be explored through the following resources:

Web Resources:

Caregivers Alberta: Caring for Caregivers

Victoria Hospice offers publications and courses in the field of palliative and grief care:

Pallium Canada provides inter-professional education in palliative/end-of-life care across Canada, including LEAP

Tend Academy

The Trauma Stewardship Institute

Cheryl Richardson on Wellness

Compassion Fatigue Awareness Project

Victoria Hospice: Publications for Professionals


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Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others
Laura van Dernoot Lipsky, Connie Burk, ISBN 13: 978-1576759448

When the Body Says No: The Cost of Hidden Stress
Gabor Matè, ISBN 13: 978-0676973129

Take Time for Your Life
Cheryl Richardson, ISBN 13: 978-0767902076

A Caregiver’s Guide: A Handbook About End-of-Life Care
Karen Macmillan Jacquie Peden, Jane Hopkinson Dennie Hycha, ISBN 13: 978-0968670019

The Compassion Fatigue Workbook: Creative Tools for Transforming Compassion Fatigue and Vicarious Traumatization
Françoise Mathieu, ISBN 13: 978-0415897907


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Talking about your illness with loved ones and caregivers

This booklet can help you talk with your loved ones about your illness and the future. It is based on what you have already talked about with your clinician.

Download "FamilyCommunicationGuide10.30.15.pdf"

Maintaining Balance through Humour and Play

In the 20 years since I began nursing in the field of palliative care, I have had the privilege of journeying alongside many amazing people who have shared their wisdom so freely. My teachers have often been disguised under the title of ‘patient’ or ‘client’. And one of the most frequent lessons that I’ve been taught in this school of life (through words or demonstration) is: Humour helps when times are tough!

Download "maintaining balance through humour and play_20090226193209.pdf"

Creating Collaboration & Synergy: 
Surgery, Palliative Medicine & Oncology, Cummings School of Medicine, University of Calgary

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Thanks to Dr. Balfour Mount, Urological Surgeon at McGill University, following his visit and working with Dame Cicely Saunders at St. Christopher’s Hospice in London, England, he coined the term “Palliative Care” and he is valued as the “father of Palliative Care” in Canada.

Similarly, Dr. Geoffrey Dunn, a Trauma & Burns, Pediatric Surgeon in the United States has led the way in more

Latest ChiPPS E-Journal
Perinatal and neonatal palliative care for children

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The latest edition of the ChiPPS (Children's Project on Palliative/Hospice Services) E-Journal offers a collection of articles that explore selected issues related to perinatal and neonatal palliative/hospice care of children and their families. This journal is produced by the ChiPPS E-Journal Workgroup. 


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The Edge of Compassion Françoise Mathieu TEDxQueensU

For the past 15 years, Secondary Trauma specialist and compassion fatigue educator Françoise Mathieu has been exploring tools to help all of us navigate the challenges of sustaining compassion and empathy towards others - both as individuals and professionals. This talk explores ways to find the right balance between caring for others while staying healthy and empathic. 

Moral Distress in Delivering Palliative/End of Life Care

Dr. Kevin Brazil, Professor of Clincial Epidemiology and Palliative Care at McMaster University, discusses the moral distress that can occur when health care providers feel they cannot provide the level of care they want to provide their patients.

How to Manage Compassion Fatigue in Caregiving | Patricia Smith | TEDxSanJuanIsland

Caregivers are often so busy caring for others that they tend to neglect their own emotional, physical, and spiritual health. Studies confirm that caregivers play host to a high level of compassion fatigue. In this insightful talk, Patricia Smith suggests the path to wellness begins with awareness, and recommends simple self-care measures such as regular exercise, healthy eating habits, enjoyable social activities, journaling, and restful sleep. With support, insightful information, and authentic self-care, caregivers can begin to understand the complexity of the emotions they've been juggling and, most likely, suppressing. As founder of the Compassion Fatigue Awareness Project© (, Patricia Smith writes, speaks and facilities trainings nationwide in service of those who care for others. With a background in journalism, she has authored books and training materials including the award-winning To Weep for a Stranger: Compassion Fatigue in Caregiving.

Portraits of Self-Care

How Do You Practice Self-Care? Want to know more? Check out TEND Academy at

Compassion Fatigue

"There's always an emotional attachment to wanting people to be better. But we can't always make the difference that we want to make."

Health care providers talk about their experiences with compassion fatigue.

Kevin Briggs - Compassion Fatigue: When Caregivers Lose Sight of What Matters

A former suicide negotiator on the Golden Gate bridge takes his audience to the edge of the bridge itself to stand in the shoes of both the person literally on the verge of suicide and the professional responding to save his or her life. Known as the Guardian of the Golden Gate, Kevin Briggs explores the importance of taking care of the responder with equal focus as the jumper, revealing the amazing impact this will have on the lives of those who have yet to walk out on the bridge.

We Are Enough, by Brené Brown at TEDxHouston

Dr. Brené Brown is a researcher professor at the University of Houston, Graduate College of Social Work, where she has spent the past ten years studying a concept that she calls Wholeheartedness, posing the questions: How do we engage in our lives from a place of authenticity and worthiness? How do we cultivate the courage, compassion, and connection that we need to embrace our imperfections and to recognize that we are enough -- that we are worthy of love, belonging and joy? Brené is the author of several books, including; I Thought It Was Just Me (but it isn't): Telling the Truth About Perfectionism, Inadequacy, and Power (2007); The Gifts of Imperfection (2010) and Wholehearted: Spiritual Adventures in Falling Apart; Growing Up, and Finding Joy (2011).