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Words fail in describing the pain experienced in parental grief.

It should be a universal law – it is at the very least an expectation, that parents die before their children. The reality is, however, that death may come at anytime, to anyone. You have our compassion for the pain of your loss, and the suffering that accompanies the death of a child. As you seek to find your way along the path of grief, may you find strength and comfort in the resources below.

Web Resources:

General Grief Support:
Canadian Virtual Hospice

What’s Your Grief

Center For Loss & Life Transition

Heal Grief

PsychCentral - The Ball in the Box

Wise Old Sayings

Grieving Parents Support:
Grieving Parents: Remembering Our Sons and Daughters

Grieving Parents Support Network

Grief Haven

The Compassionate Friends of Canada

Grieving Parents Society of Edmonton

Children’s Grief Education Association

Grieving the Loss of your Child


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The Death of a Child, The Grief of Parents: A Lifetime Journey, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Caring For Ourselves: Coping with Parental Grief, by Dr. Gary Levenston

Parental Bereavement: The Crisis of Meaning, by Inese Wheeler in “Death Studies Journal”

Cause of Death and the Quest for Meaning After the Loss of a Child, by Dr. Robert Neimeyer in “Death Studies Journal”

When Your Baby Dies: A Gentle Guide for Teenage Parents, by DB Sanders


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The Death of a Child: Reflections for Grieving Parents
E. Stillwell, ISBN-13: 978-0879462604

Heart Works: A Father’s Grief
Jerre Peterson, ISBN-13: 978-0972937702

Grandparents Cry Twice: Help for Bereaved Grandparents
Mary Lou Reed, ISBN-13: 978-0895032041

When the Bough Breaks: Forever After the Death of a Son or Daughter
Judith R. Bernstein, Ph.D., ISBN-13: 978-0836252828

Anderson Speaks: How to Navigate the Loss of a Life Taken Too Soon
Gene Skaggs, Jr., ISBN-13: 978-1450748186

Creating a New Normal… After the Death of a Child
Sandy Fox, ISBN-13: 978-1450230940


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Grieving After an Overdose Death: The First Days  (Part One)

Grieving After an Overdose Death is a film made for all parents, siblings and friends who have lost the most precious people in their lives to an opiate or other drug overdose. The people in this film are grieving just like you. It is not professional therapy but it does let you know you are not alone. (If you find this kind of content important please think about subscribing to our channel...thank you.)

Grief & Recovery After an Overdose Death (Part Two)

Grieving After an Overdose Death: Grief & Recovery is a film with specific comments on recovering a new life out of grief. It also recounts some of the difficult challenges to be faced. This film is made for all parents, siblings and friends who have lost the most precious people in their lives to an opiate or other drug overdose. The people in this film are grieving just like you. It is not professional therapy but it does let you know you are not alone. (If you find this kind of content important please think about subscribing to our channel...thank you.)

How my son's short life made a lasting difference | Sarah Gray

After Sarah Gray's unborn son Thomas was diagnosed with anencephaly, a terminal condition, she decided to turn her family's tragedy into an extraordinary gift and donate his organs to scientific research. In this tribute to life and discovery, she shares her journey to find meaning in loss and spreads a message of hope for other grieving families.

Dr. Robert Neimeyer: The Three R's of Processing Grief

Dr. Robert Neimeyer talks about Retelling, Rebuilding, and Reinventing after grief at the Association for Death Education and Counseling annual conference.

Out of Order: Dealing with the Death of a Child

This video is helpful for bereaved parents who have experienced the death of a teen or adult child. You will hear how three couples have experienced their grief, what has helped them and how they honor and keep connections to the memories of their children.

Dr. Gail Gross on Dealing with Life After the Death of a Child

Deborah Duncan Show. Host Deborah Duncan discusses dealing with life after the death of a child with Dr. Gail Gross. Dr. Gail Gross is a nationally recognized expert, author and lecturer on juvenile education, behavior and development issues. For more information, please visit

Coping Techniques After a Child's Death

A guide to coping and informational skills for bereaved parents, family members, friends, therapists and grief related organizations. Read up to 80 articles dealing with such topics as anger, journaling, taking care of yourself, making a marriage work, childless issues, workplace grief, getting through the holidays and many more. Read 10 inspirational stories and delve into the abundant resource section. This book will help the newly bereaved as well as the seasoned griever find the way to a life of happiness and new meaning.

So often unacknowledged, the grief of losing a child in the womb, or at the time of birth, can shake us to the core.

Disenfranchised grief is the term used to describe a loss that is generally not acknowledged by our culture. People might say things like, “at least you can try again… at least you have other children… it was meant to be.” These are unhelpful statements when a baby has died. Your grief is real, your loss is devastating, and your need for support can be overwhelming. You have our compassion as you mourn – we hope that you find strength for your journey in the resources below.

Web Resources:

Miscarriage/Stillbirth Support:

SIDS Facebook

Miscarriage Support Auckland

Pregnancy After Loss Support

A Heartbreaking Choice

Share: Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support

Pregnancy Loss & Infant Death Alliance

Choosing Therapy: Perinatal Loss


The Death of a Child, The Grief of Parents: A Lifetime Journey, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Complicated Grief After Perinatal Loss, by Anette Kersting, MD and Birgit Wagner, Ph.D. in “Dialogues” Journal

Infant Death: Grief and the Path to Remembrance, by Mayo Clinic Staff


Life Touches Life: A Mother’s Story of Stillbirth and Healing
Christine Northrup, ISBN-13: 978-0939165506

Silent Birth. When Your Baby Dies. Revised Edition
Sharon Covington, ISBN-13: 978-1577491446


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Why I Don’t Want My Miscarriage To Stay Secret

“I first thought my miscarriage was shameful, and unusual. I’ve since learned that it’s just something women don’t want to talk about — but should.”

The Husband's Way of Coping With Miscarriage

I wanted to create this video to share with everyone the husbands way of coping with miscarriage. This video explains the feelings and emotions I went through while standing alongside my wife through this journey. My hope is for others to be able to relate and be strong through this hiccup in life.
Myka's Miscarriage Story

Learning Together: Patient Stories – Stillborn, Still Loved -  Honouring Kate

This video tells the story of the stillbirth of Kate Grace Wheatley from the perspective(s) of her mother, Venesa, and Lorna, a Clinical Nurse Educator. Venesa shares her thoughts and experiences in the moments leading up to, during, and following, the delivery of her daughter. She describes how her interactions with health care providers impacted her and her family’s experience. Lorna shares her perspective on how this can influence a patient’s journey through loss.